Important Notices & Updates

  • BEIN HAZMANIM ZOOM SHIUR.  Rabbi Shurkin is giving his daily shiurim on zoom. The shiurim are at the regular time – 10:30am NY / 5:30pm Israel.  Shiur on Erev Yomtov will begin at 9:45am NY / 4:45pm Israel.  He is learning the sugyos of Tzitzis in Menochos, starting from דף לז.
    Meeting ID: 946 1842 5091  Passcode: 57350
    To join by phone in Israel:  02-376-4509 | 02-376-4510 | 03-978-6688

Recent Audio Shiurim

Gemara Gittin Perek 1 Gittin Shiur #21 Daf 2b-3a- Sikum: Asyuhu Bei Trei, Chatzi Dovor, Shliach Holocho & Shliach Kabbolo Rosh HaYeshiva

Recent Written Shiurim

Mazel Tovs

  • Mazel tov to Remy Tamir ('22-'24) on his recent engagement!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Koppel (’20-’23) on the birth of a baby boy!
  • Mazel tov to Chananya Eliwatt ('22-'24) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Chananya Goldberg ('16-'22) on the birth of a baby girl!
  • Mazel tov to Aharon Price ('20-'21) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Nesanel Liknaitzky (’19-’24) on his recent engagement!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Meiselman on the birth of a grandson! Mazel tov to the Rosh Yeshiva & the Rebbetzin!
  • Mazel tov to Ashi Kaufold ('20-'24) on his recent marriage!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Gavert ('16-'19) on the birth of a baby girl!
  • Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Gavriel Addess ('15-'18) on the birth of a baby boy!

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